
Make a payment to Mansfield Designs

We accept all mayor credit cardsCredit Card Payments:
We accept all mayor Credit Cards: Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Click on the credit card link and completely fill in the form on the new window. Once completely filled out, then hit "send" we will be processing it trough our merchant account. You will receive confirmation of payment within 24 hrs.

PayPal Payments:
If you already have a PayPal account, just enter an amount, hit "Send Payment" On the new window, use your email to log into your PayPal account to process the payment and write us a note if you like. Payments are received by Edwin Silva, Treasurer of Mansfield Design, LLC

Please enter an amount into the form to make a PayPal payment.
Enter Amount:

Payments Through Paypal

Checks or Money Order Payments:
We will accept any kind of paper (personal or business checks, cashiers check, money order or other). You can use our office address on the contact page.

Gold for Credit or refining:
Just let us know what you'll be sending us with details and weights in oz. per item. When you contact us, we will send you a secure mailing address. We will give you a much better gold price then a jewelry store or pawn shop.


MD Mansfield Designs

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